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Can I use ZO Products when Pregnant?


Pregnancy and breastfeeding can be a turbulent time for any woman, with lots of changes not just to your life but to your body and your skin. So how do you figure out the best skincare to use when pregnant? Here are a few of your questions answered…

Can I use ZO when pregnant or breast feeding?

We get asked this question a lot and we always check in skincare consultations that you are not pregnant or breast feeding, as use of ZO Skin Health is not supported in the UK. So in short, the answer is ‘no’!

When can I resume the use of ZO Skin Health products?

You can’t use them throughout your pregnancy or while breastfeeding, however, once your baby is born or you have finished breastfeeding you may find you have skin concerns which you need to address with ZO medical grade skincare. And we’ll be here waiting to help!

What sort of skin concerns will I face after pregnancy?

Some examples of post-pregnancy skincare concerns can be:

Melasma/ Pigmentaion
Stretch Marks
Dry skin
Dark circles around the eyes

Plus many more. We can help with a wide range of concerns using medical grade skincare ZO Skin Health. We’re more than happy to help you come up with a regime that is perfect for you, and addresses any concerns you may have, whatever else you might have going on in your life.

Ready to improve your skin? Book your complimentary skin consultation via phone call or video call by calling 01244308000 or email for more information.

How will appointments look post-lockdown?
